Time is Standing Still
The Skies are green and Purple.
No one is moving. They have all stopped to exist in the nothingness that surrounds them.
The grass has turned black and blue and the once mighty evergreens have turned a delicate blushing pink.
I amble around astounded by the lack of breeze only to realize the trees are moving in the stillness.
The trees are moving but the water in the stream is still, or is it solid. Yes, that is it. The stream no longer holds water but is filled with blueberry jell-o. but whoever heard of jello that didn't jiggle?
In the blueberry stream made of jell-o there are schools of raspberry fish, making their way in mid-gel to the banks of procreation.
The banks of the stream however have turned to molasses and the fish can not lay their eggs in molasses, for everyone knows that raspberries and molasses don't mix well.
I wander this land of perplextion gazing at the ever colorful kaleidoscope horizon. I stumble up to the statues of human form and look longingly into their dead eyes hoping for a glimmer of confirmation that what I see is real.
Not a hint of hope is revealed from the vacant, still pools that once were eyes.
With despair and a heavy heart I continue my journey into the unknown menagerie of time and color. I choose to follow the path of orange and lavendar stones. The path leads into the delicate pink forest. I amble along watching the raspberry fish slip along the stream of Jello. In the sky are birds with no feathers and landing gear for feet. The multi-color birds are flying in circular patterns. Their tangerine, watermelon and apple-red colors melt into swirls of neverending spirals. The colors blend to dake on different hues and sweep me into a meditative state. I loose my balance and tumble to the ground. The black and blue blades of grass engulfme like a warm blanket.
This was written by my wife, Kim Wauford. It is undated, but was in a box of bills and stuff from 2001-2002. I have attempted to match my typing to her manuscript as close as possible. She did not give it a title. It reminds me a lot of something I wrote that I titled "My Bothersome Sanity." I'll probably post it too, but when I found this I just had to post it. This is exactly what I want for this blog. I hope someone out there likes it, or is a least a little distrubed by it.
Cleaning Process for Force Mains
Of all the types of piping systems that are cleaned and restored to their
maximum flow capacity, force mains usually provide the most dramatic impact.
One ...