Monday, December 31, 2012


I've been too busy to scour the internet looking for strange or interesting things to write on this blog, but I don't want it to die off so I'm just going to run off at the proverbial mouth for a moment.

I guess that's running off at the fingertips, but that just doesn't sound as good as "running off at the mouth".

I thought about making a blog about the TV shows that my family and I watch, but maybe this would be a good place to put them. I could continue putting all my other wierd stuff here too. I mentioned it on Tec's Games because we've been watching a lot of Netflix on Wii.

The newest we're watching is "In Plain Sight" about the witness protection program (witsec). The episodal plots are obvious and like other cop shows, there's always a strong cop that has relationship issues and a relative that's got their hands in something illegal.

It still manages to be entertaining.

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